What is Pamulaan?
PAMULAAN is a Matigsalog term which means seedbed. The term stresses the program’s commitment to root the development of the Indigenous Peoples' in the realities of their life and culture.

A premiere institution for life-long learning and leadership development for and with the Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines.
To offer culturally-appropriate and relevant pathways on EDUCATION, TRAINING AND FORMATION for indigenous children, youth, leaders, community development facilitators, and advocates for the IPs in the Philippines.
The Center hopes to produce graduates equipped with values, knowledge, and skills on transformative leadership to initiate collaborative actions that promote commitment to cultural integrity, environmental responsibility, socio-economic sustainability, grounded spirituality, and community service towards building a self-governing, self nourishing, and self-sustaining IP communities.
It depicts the program’s approach to learning which is integrative and wholistic – one that develops the IPs’ faculties and abilities to the fullest. The young plant depicts the continuing growth offered by education. The leaves of the new plant symbolizes the five (5) major aspects of human life: Social-Cultural, Political, Economic, Environmental, and Spiritual; areas to hone and cultivate in all learners.